What Soil Do I Ask For at My Local Nursery?!?

It’s no surprise that soil plays an ENORMOUS role in maintaining a healthy landscape. That being said, most of the places to purchase dirt in Mandeville, Madisonville, or Covington, LA have several different type of soil to choose from. So… what do you actually need?

In general, the best soils for your landscaping are well draining and contain a few different soil types.. sand, silt, clay, and some organic matter. When you’re at your local dirt dealer such as Accardo Materials, you should ask for a landscape mix. At Accardo’s that landscape mix contains mason sand, top soil, wood ash, and some very finely ground bark. In the next blog, we’ll discuss how different soils.. and ultimately different PHs affect the plants that you put into the ground.


How Topography Effects Your Soil